Or you may be wondering why you need to worry about trains and how they operate (whether this is the 1800s). Let’s back up a little. If you think the United States relies solely on trucks to carry cargo, you may be struggling with the vision of a tunnel. Trains make up one-third of ton miles. Year. It’s almost the same as being carried by truck. The United States has the widest rail network on a few miles of railroad tracks on the planet, and yes, it is even larger than China. Today, like all other parts of the US supply chain, we are facing grunts and congestion. Unprecedented activity at the port and record demand at several rail hubs.
Trains may look like a mature technology with little room for improvement or expansion, as adding new rail lines is exorbitantly expensive, as the conflict over the cost of expanding Amtrak’s services shows. Maybe. However, researchers studying this issue have found that being completely autonomous improves safety and makes more efficient use of the American rail network, which significantly increases the amount of cargo that can be transported. It states that it can be increased.
Energy consumption per mile is four to five times higher than trucks as the United States suffers from a shortage of truck drivers and companies are wondering how to reach their goal of reducing carbon emissions. One train may be a technology two centuries ago. That time has come again.
I wrote about the limits that hinder the grand ambitions of self-driving cars. However, trains have the property of avoiding those problems. Most importantly, the train is on the railroad tracks. This means artificial intelligence train engineers don’t have to worry about issues affecting car and truck drivers. There are no tailgates, lane changes, or left turns for traffic.
“I think trains reach full autonomy faster than vehicles,” said Maxim A. Dulebenets, an assistant professor of civil engineering at Florida A & M University, who recently published an extensive review of the literature on autonomous trains. One of the reasons is that hundreds of passenger trains are already operating autonomously around the world as part of the city’s subway system.
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