How Can Digital Twin Earth Help in Saving the World? ESA Develops an Advanced Model to Address Problems Caused by Climate Change

How Can Digital Twin Earth Help in Saving the World? ESA Develops an Advanced Model to Address Problems Caused by Climate ChangeThe European Space Agency (ESA) is currently developing the Digital Twin Earth, an advanced model that will help scientists better model the future of Earth and eventually solve the problems brought by climate change.

As specified in a Scientific American report a digital replica of Earth could help scientists in dealing with climate change. The ESA is developing the innovative model together with its partners based on data and images captured through Earth-observations satellites and sensors installed on the ground.

To run the digital replica's reliability, this project will necessitate new advanced artificial algorithms and powerful supercomputers, which are presently under development.

ESA and its alliances discussed the project's progress during the UN Climate Change Conference COP26, a two-week event that's presently going on in Glasgow, Scotland.

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